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Hey Team TNC,


Let me begin by saying it’s an honor to be called your pastor as I do not take that for granted.  As an individual, you have a plethora of options in terms of selecting a faith community, but with God’s grace something within you said, The New Church is it for me. 


Life is a journey, isn’t it?  Some days can be great while others challenging.  To that end, I’ve engaged ministry long enough to realize that it replicates life; however, the constant is our Lord and Savior. 


I want you to know that I’m always thinking about you and lifting you up.  I’m constantly reflecting upon how I can be a better pastor for you whom I’m called to serve.  


In full transparency, my top three pastoral goals for this year are as such; to build/enhance a community (1) that loves God, (2) loves their church and (3) love themselves (this is not to be confused with our aims of Loving God. Connecting with Each Other & Serving Communities)!  


So how do we know if these goals are progressing? It’s simple, the evidence is in the fruit called energy.  Energy is a byproduct of momentum that is felt and seen.  Energy says I’m excited to be in worship, I’m thrilled about my faith community and I’m not ashamed to show it consistently and share it with the world.  Energy will allow us to freely worship together, serve together and fellowship together to the MAXIMUM OF OUR CAPACITY/POTENTIAL!


So, every goal requires a strategy, and that strategy demands effort.  Our strategy in the season is our REACH CAMPAIGN.  In this campaign we are believing God and demanding effort from ourselves to GROW in four key areas; weekly guest attendance, accepted invitations to Christ, new partner connections and YouTube subscriptions.  Additionally, we are challenging ourselves to NOT MISS any Weekend Worships from now through the Church Anniversary (05/07).  


By now you should have watched my video, scheduled a day to fast, and created a list of individuals you know that are unsaved and/or unchurched.  THIS SUNDAY it starts with us being PHYSICALLY/SPIRTUALLY present in worship accompanied with us inviting from our list.  If we embrace this journey, WATCH HOW GOD MEET US? Can you help? Will you help? Let’s go!!


Pastor Anthony


P.S. Click links to get flyers to share and/or to watch video. 


Click link below for flyers and/or video 

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Where Every Experience Is a New Experience 

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